Pool Interior Finish Disclosure

Pool Interior Finishes are composed of materials which may have inherent shading and/or color variation which is normal and should not be construed as a defect. Environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, substrate conditions, etc., during the installation process can cause normal color variations (normal mottling) across the surface of a coating.

This is generally a uniform shading or cloudy appearance. These variations may be more pronounced on a cloudy day or at night with the light on. These conditions are beyond the contractor’s control. Discoloration or mottled-shade variation is not considered a failure or defect, but is characteristic of most cementitious products, not needing remedy.

It is a normal occurrence of most exposed aggregate finishes to have variation in the surface aggregate density, or variations in the concentration of aggregates across the finished surface. Proper evaluation of an interior finish is done when the pool is full of water and under natural light conditions only. The pool interior finish is NOT guaranteed for evenness of color and may not be the exact shade anticipated. The shade and color of pigmented surfaces will vary and “fade” over time. Crazing (check cracks and hairline cracks), may be noticeable and may be quite pronounced with colored finishes and are normal and are not considered defects.

It is highly recommended to perform a start-up procedure on freshly plastered pools, such as the NPC Start-up Procedure. A proper start-up will promote a longer lasting interior finish.

The longevity of the surface will be dependent on the water chemistry after start-up being properly maintained in accordance with the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) published standards recommended practice of maintaining the Langlier Saturation Index at 0 to +/- 0.5. Overall common water chemistry parameters to be monitored are: chlorine, total and carbonate alkalinity, pH, calcium hardness, cyanuric acid and total dissolved solids.

Note: The contractor may choose to add a line for the signature, or initials of the recipient of these disclosures.

This document is endorsed by the National Plasterers Council, Inc

Note: We urge you to contact your NPC professional applicator for more information specific to your pool or spa. Chemical treatment alone will not produce sanitary pool water. A filtration system in proper operation along with a regiment of care including pool brushing will produce the optimal results for a clean and safe pool.

 Additional consumer awareness information is available from the following sources:

Pool & Hot Tub Alliance
2111 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22314
National Swimming Pool Foundation
4775 Granby Circle
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
National Plasterers Council
1000 North Rand Road, Suite 214
Wauconda, IL 60084

Revised: 12162015